Sunday, April 19, 2015

Field trip at Chattanooga

During an ELL period, my teacher, Mrs.Berzinskas told the class that everyone in ELL is
going to go to Chattanooga for a field trip on Friday. I was so excited to hear that because I have
never been to a field trip before and I have a quiz and a test on Friday.
Finally, it was Friday, I woke up at 6:30, took a shower, got dressed and went to the
cafeteria to eat breakfast. it was a 1 and a half hour drive to Chattanooga, we arrived at the
Tennessee Aquarium, the best aquariums in USA. The aquarium was divided into two buildings,
the River Journey and the Ocean Journey. We first went into the Ocean Journey and the first
The animal we saw was the cutest animal in the world, penguins. There were about 20 penguins and
3 babies. While we were watching, I saw this penguin and I named him Rocky because he
always had a rock in his mouth and whenever it drops, he would swim and retrieve it back.
Afterwards, I saw something that shocked my whole mind, there was literally a man-made a sea. It
was just amazing, there were sharks, turtles, stingrays and lots of different species of fishes. As
we moved on, I saw jellyfishes, they all looked so magical, with the dim light shining on them,
they looked really beautiful. Next, we moved on to the River Journey, the first animal we saw
were seahorses and 2 enormous crabs. Then we went on the escalator to the second floor, it
was a “man-made river” because it looked almost exactly like a river in the wild, they were
crocodiles, sharks, crocodiles, turtles, stingrays and also many different species of fishes. We
all went to Genghis Grill to eat lunch, the food was delicious, I really enjoyed how the pork was
cooked. We rushed to  where the Chattanooga Ducks were, we went on and started the journey.
When we got to port, the guide asked us if we wanted to go down fast or slow, the boys wanted
to go fast but the girls want to go slow because the splash would damage their hair. The guide
asked everyone on the DUKW to try out driving. During the tour, the guide talked us through the
history of the river and the Cherokees.

It was an exciting field trip and I hope we have more trips in the future

Monday, April 13, 2015

My First Weekend After Spring Break.

After a short Spring break in Los Angeles, I had to come back for school. The first week after any
holiday is always the worst. You have to get used to everything again and start working hard again. The long week made me very frustrated and  I have always been wishing for the weekend to come.
On Friday night, Cole, Young and I went to Avenue together, we had a really good time because Cole hardly stayed for the weekend. We went to Best Buy, Dick’s, Champ and ate some really good Japanese food. Later that night, three of us went outside to the soccer field to play some soccer, we got back at 23:00, took a shower and watched Netflix together. I woke up at 9:30 on Saturday, got dressed, ate some ramen and went out to watch the middle school girl’s lacrosse game. It was my first time spectating a lacrosse game, so I didn’t know what was going on. In the end, I quite understood the rules and the playstyle, and I think I might play lacrosse next year. Then, I went to Downtown with Cole and Elijah, and we ate at BBC and played soccer at the park. While we were playing, my friend from South Africa called me, and we began chatting. They said that they were going to have a holiday soon, and they couldn't wait to see me. At 21:00, girls from Rand came to my dorm and we watched The Incredibles together. On Sunday, I went to Walmart, and I didn’t do much because I had a lot of work to do and two assignments to complete.
This weekend wasn't the best weekend I've had, but it was a fun and amiable weekend in my new school, the Webb School.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Peppa, the best bunny in the world

This morning I was about to go out for a short walk because the sunny weather was so magnificent. As I opened the door, I saw a Black tall hat standing upside down, then suddenly a pink spotted little bunny popped out. It said, “Hi my name is Peppa, and I can make you teleport to any place in the universe whenever you want!” I was so astonished when I heard that. My dream was to be an astronaut and to travel the world. So I wanted to test out if Peppa’s trick really work and I shouted, “ Take me to The Statue Of Liberty!” Then a very bright blue light shined in front of me then I noticed I was on top of The Statue Of Liberty! Peppa said, “You see? It works!” “That's amazing! I love this view of the New York City, I said, can you take me to the Great Pyramid of Giza?” The blue light flashed again, I could feel the breeze of hot sand scraping against my face. I was so surprised when I saw a massive 230m pyramid standing still in front of me. It was almost sunset there and I felt like going to The Table Mountain to view the beautiful sunset so I told Peppa, “ Please take me to my last location, Cape Town.” With no doubt, the blue light flashed again and I heard the sweet sound of the sea. As I opened up my eyes, I saw the Bright orange sun and a really flat mountain.
I wanted to thank Peppa for such a delightful day but when I turned around, he was gone. I said to myself, “Thank you Peppa, today is the best day of my life.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I started to learn piano since I was 9, and the story behind me learning piano is a very long story...
So when I was 9, my parents told me to learn the piano because learning an instrument can make you learn more about the history of music and it helps you have a calm, sweet-loving feeling while playing it. It started off very hard for me because I had to learn all the notes and signs but after a year I managed to play the piano efficiently. When I was 10, I went to a new piano teacher, Jamie Margret. She taught me a lot of interesting things about the piano.Over the 4 years with her, I've learned over 20 pieces from famous composers such as J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and Schumann. I've also performed in the NEA(National Eisteddfod Academy) and achieved 8 Silver awards, 4 gold rewards and 8 diplomas(highest ranking.) Last year, I had to leave South Africa and I never had time to practice piano because I was preparing for the SSAT and the exams. Right now I am taking music for my spring afternoon enrichment, and I am trying my best to learn by myself and I have learned Fur Elise by myself and I am learning Invention 13 by Bach.  Playing the piano really makes me feel placid and I am looking forward to getting better and better at playing the piano in the future!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Independent views and followers

In my opinion, I think that people must have their own independent views. I used to have a really good friend with whom I always had a lot of fun. Until last year, when he somehow  started to “copy” me. He copied my habits, ate my favorite foods, watched my favorite movies, ect.  I didn't really care about that, but when he started to copy how I talked, I was really mad at him.

If people can have their own independent view, they can share their ideas and thoughts. I remember when the Brazilian FIFA World Cup was happening. My friends and I gathered together and started talking about it. We each had our own team we supported, and we had  really long debate on the matches. It shows that people think differently, if we all support the same team, there would be no point of the World Cup.

Everyone has their own thoughts, and everyone thinks differently towards different things because everyone’s brain works differently. Here is another example: my friends and I were eating ramen together, and I thought that it was delicious but my friend thought it was not that tasty. Again, people might like something according to their taste and what they like to eat

Some people are born to be leaders and some are born to be followers.We need leaders to share their views with the followers and the followers to share it with their other peers. Everyone is unique in the world and thats is what makes it so special.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Stop Poaching Rhinos

Stop Poaching Rhinos!

A rhino is an animal that is one of the big five( elephants, rhinos, cheetah, lion, buffalo) of South Africa. The rhino is special for its 2 horns which are sold for $65000 per horn. They say that the horns are used for traditional asian medicine and can cure many illnesses but, actually the horns DO NOT cure anything. When the rhinos are poached, both their horns are cut off, tons of blood comes out of their nose and where the horn is cut. Last year when I went to the Kruger National Park in South Africa, I saw 4 rhinos(with their horns) and I felt very glad because there are only about 5,005 rhinos left in the WORLD. Rhinos are innocent, precious, loving animals and they do not need to be killed for a useless horn!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Years Resolutions

Ah, its 2015 already! Time has past so quickly! Im going to start setting my goals for this year before it gets too late! The most important goal for me is to achieve higher grades. I've joined a new school, The Webb School, and the academic standard here is much higher than my old school’s standard. I’m going to work my hardest and do the best I can. I'll study everyday (even  during the weekend) and I’ll ask the teachers or friends questions when I don’t understand the homework. My next goal is to lose weight. I try to achieve this goal every year but instead of losing weight I gain more and more weight every year. But this year I feel very confident about this goal because I am going to go to the  gym whenever I can. I'll be joining basketball and soccer this year so I think I'll lose a lot of weight! My last goal is also one of the most important goals for me: getting more friends. I have joined a new school, and I do not know anyone (except my brother) so I really want to have new friends so that I will not feel alone. I'll get more friends by helping people, sharing with others, and by helping them through hard times.